Moon Mystery is an upcoming first-person action game that beckons players to the lunar surface to unravel its enigmatic secrets. Crafted by the Polish developer Mikołaj Szymanowski, this project represents a bold venture into ambitious game development by a solo creator. Influenced by renowned titles such as Firewatch, Interstellar, Gone Home, and Half-Life 2, Moon Mystery is poised to offer a distinctive amalgamation of exploration, storytelling, and dynamic gameplay. The project’s growing popularity helped expand the Cosmoscouts team to 13 members and facilitate a partnership with the publisher, Freedom Games.
Gameplay is centered around the investigation of enigmatic events on the Moon, with a strong emphasis on engaging with the lunar base and its artificial intelligence. A standout feature is the innovative use of black holes as a means for players to access new, uncharted territories for exploration. Moon Mystery also boasts an extensive selection of vehicles, including lunar rovers and submarines, alongside a myriad of puzzles and environmental challenges that test players’ agility and cognitive prowess. Additionally, the game features intense shootouts utilizing a diverse arsenal of firearms.
Developed using Unreal Engine 4, Moon Mystery is set to deliver stellar graphics and visual effects. Mikołaj Szymanowski, leveraging his background as a UX designer, selected this engine chiefly for its Blueprints system, which facilitates game development without extensive coding. This strategic choice has allowed for a heightened focus on the game’s visual storytelling and narrative depth, elements crucial to the immersive experience of story-centric games.
Moon Mystery is shaping up to be an enthralling adventure that propels players into the depths of the unknown universe, offering not just unparalleled challenges but also a captivating storyline. Anticipated to launch in 2024, enthusiasts can add the game to their Steam wishlist today to stay updated on this intriguing project.